Professional Water Line Repair Services You Can Count On
Stumbling upon a leaky pipe in your home or business is never exactly cause for celebration. Minor pipe fractures and water leaks can not only hike up your water bill in the short term but can also cause significant damage to your home or business if left untreated, triggering a pipe burst and/or flooding of the property.
At G&R Plumbing, our team of plumbing experts employs a full toolkit of 2,300 of the latest gadgets in cutting-edge plumbing technology, allowing us to pinpoint and address the pipe-related problem at hand quickly.

Your home’s water lines are the central vein through which clean, potable water enters your home.
Like the lyrics of “Big Yellow Taxi,” you don’t know what you got til it’s gone—and in the case of our homes’ complex network of pipes, most of us tend to take our advanced water supply systems for granted. Blockages and broken lines are two of the leading causes for homeowners’ plumbing-related headaches, though the level of severity differs in every situation.
One of the most prominent indicators of water line issues is leaky pipes. While some plumbing hurdles can easily be fixed with a bit of elbow grease DIY-style, other problems require the aid of trained professionals—and when it comes to repairing water mains, we generally recommend leaving it to the experts. Leaks are far more serious than clogs, a nuisance that can cause terrible damage to your home if ignored for too long.
Common Signs of Problems In Your Water Main Line

Leaks can be hard to pinpoint as much of what goes on in our pipes is hidden from view. They tend to happen at pipe joints, and tape or pipe joint compound can be a short-term solution in an attempt to hold off imminent damage. A good rule of thumb is that having the same issue present in multiple fixtures—i.e., drain clogs, low water pressure, discolored water, etc.—is typical of a more pressing problem.
Multiple Clogged Drains
Drains clog from time to time, as most homeowners are well aware. But if multiple drains in your home are experiencing clogs simultaneously, there’s a significant chance that a blockage has occurred in your water main.
Low Water Pressure
Like the above situation, lower water pressure throughout the fixtures in your home can also be symptomatic of a potential leak in the main water line. If you notice that all of the fixtures in your home are suddenly more lethargic in their flow, it’s usually indicative of an issue in the water main.
High Utility Bills
If your water bill has seen a recent inexplicable spike, it’s usually due to a water leak occurring somewhere in your home’s plumbing network. If you’re unable to locate the leak’s source after a thorough check, the problem may be found underground in your water main line.
Noisy Fixtures
When they function as designed, your plumbing system’s fixtures should be quietly effective. Unusual noises and sounds coming from your pipes and/or toilet are another telltale sign that your water main is experiencing problems.
Flooding and Water Puddling in Yard
If your yard has become as puddled as a paddy field, the water surplus is likely related to water main issues. Substantial amounts of water pooling in your yard will most likely call for underground water repair.
Potential Causes of Water Line Breakage
- Excavation and construction. Contractors breaking ground can occasionally unintentionally break pipes. While not ideal, it’s not difficult to do some real damage with a shovel—sometimes these things do happen.
- Age, constitution and wear of pipes. Unsurprisingly, older pipes tend to be more fragile. Many older homes have galvanized and polybutylene pipe systems, neither of which hold up great after years of wear and tear.
- Temperature Fluctuations. Thermal expansion can be a real problem for your water system’s hardware, with pipes naturally expanding and contracting depending on the seasonal temperature. Pipe bursts are common in the winter when water freezes and stretches the pipe’s capacity.
- Natural Interruptions. Not every situation can be planned for, particularly when it comes to the whims of Mother Nature. Tree roots can sever water lines; rodents occasionally chew through pipelines; and the ground’s natural shifting—seasonally or permanently—can push delicate older pipes to their limits.
Forewarned is forearmed! By familiarizing yourself with a pipe leak’s potential causes, you can hopefully avoid costly and inconvenient plumbing issues. Stay vigilant for any unusual moisture or dripping, and have your pipes inspected every so often by your local plumber.

What To Do If You Suspect a Line Break
While waiting for the plumber to arrive, here are a few things we suggest to mitigate any potential further damage:
- Turn off your Water. First things first—turn off your water. Find your home’s shutoff valve—normally located near the Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) or near the water main.
- Wrap the leaky pipe with duct tape. If you’re able to find the source of the hole or rupture, wrap some duct tape around it until your local plumber can come to take a look at it.